about me

I’m Victoria, California State Licensed Esthetician, owner of East Bay Esthetics. Thank you so much for considering me to help you on your skin journey! I offer personalized Facials, Chemical Peels, Anti-Aging and Acne Treatments, Waxing, and natural, organic Skin Care.

I am a certified specialist in Dermaplaning, Aromatherapy, a master of Advanced Facial Massage Techniques: Buccal, Lymphatic Drainage, Sculptural, Myofascial, and Gua Sha.

I am constantly educating myself on the latest skincare and beauty industry breakthroughs to provide you with current knowledge to ensure your skin is healthy and glowing.

Whether you are simply looking to pamper yourself for an hour or you are struggling with sun damage, dry or oily skin, acne, or rosacea, I have treatments that will give you the best results. Can’t wait to see you at East Bay Esthetics!

your skin deserves
to be loved